Sunday, March 6, 2011

Spotlight on: the many War Veterans

There were many faithful soldiers who carried arms into battle against Sumerilon.  Many died anonymously on the battlefields.  Many also were the "Ones Who Returned" as Veterans.  They did their best to return to a life of peace.

Clerical healing was always in short supply during wartime, which made much rarer still the Great prayers of restoration from grievous wounds.  The war's end and the return of peace helped reduce the demand, but with the
loss of so many healers and the cursed nature of many of the wounds, shortages were acute for years:  the records show that it took the Aru Order six years and three months just to cure all of the known war-caused cases of deafness.  For a foot soldier trying to return home from war to a life of peace, disabilities were profound and long-lasting.  Nevertheless, many did well and lived their life as best they could, but many were also utterly destitute due to their war-caused infirmities that prevented them from making a living.

By 1614, the Archon of Delft decided that these destitute veterans merited additional compensation (and compassion).  An act was passed in Delft to provide for "Adjusted Compensation" for their prior war service.  Unfortunately, his expectation was that he would only have to finance the local veterans and that the other City-States would enact similar measures.  When the latter did not happen, the poor veterans from many regions descended upon the city of Delft and expected payment.  Thus, another large "Army" threatened the city, although it was claimed to be a "friendly" siege.  The Delft army was ordered to clear the veterans' encampment, which was performed by Brigadier Gabriel Baton in 1617, and the Compensation Act was suspended.  It took years of
diplomacy for the situation to be resolved, but eventually, State Aid was given to the Aru Healers who ran small clinics and infirmaries to help them build great Hospital-Churches, Hospices and peaceful Godshuizen courts in various cities, to service the veterans.  We also recognize and thank the Dwarven craftsmen who were sent south to help build these edifices.  We also recognize and thank the service of administration of these Aru houses by their friends the Mavor Oblates: they reduced fraudulent claims of veteran status.  Any week now, the Mavors will again have their annual spring banquet and 'roast' of their Aru friends with the more brazen examples of healthcare fraud that they have found in the old Aru records.  Last year's story was from the 1633 records, when a human woman (who wasn't even thirty years old) claimed to have been an Aru Shieldmaiden in the War.  In this year 1663, the institution to aid veterans is now 36 years old since its formal incorporation, and is entering the twilight of its charter: many of the human veterans have left this mortal coil, so with each passing year, more of the old Godshuizen courts are now empty of their honored guests.

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